RESUME: The project aims to aid 140 unemployed women from Sofia district to start working. 100 of them will complete tailoring qualification courses in accordance with the needs of private tailoring firms. 60 of them will be hired as contracted in advance between the firms and the Foundation, while for the remaining 40 women employment will be provided by contracts, concluded with firms during the project implementation. Innovative methods for finding employment via Internet will be used for ensuring jobs for the remaining 40 women. The project will introduce a model of a NGO playing an intermediary role between private firms and representatives of its target group for securing their employment and social integration as individuals with equal rights. The results and the good practices of the project will be published in the media, in the web-site of the Foundation and in a brochure, which will be distributed among unemployed women from Sofia district.
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   The project sets as its general goal to contribute to enlarging the role of NGOs in encouraging the social integration of marginalized communities in the following ways:
  • Providing similar NGOs with information about the positive experience in implementing a model for securing employment for unemployed women by NGO performing intermediary role between the target group and firms – employers and by flexible schemes for professional qualification. The information will be disseminated through media publications, on the web-site of the Foundatoin, by sending traditional an e-mail, and by distributing a brochure.
  • Searching for possibilities for multiplication of the project’s model through partnership and cooperation with similar NGOs from the country in implementing similar projects, which would take into account the domestic labour market conditions and the specific local needs of unemployed women.
  • Aiding unemployed women in Sofia district to find professional and personal realization as individuals with equal rights by disseminating the brochure with the aid of NGOs and Bureaus of Labour.

   The project aims as its specific task to aid 140 unemployed women from Sofia district to start working in the following manner:
  • enrolment in courses for professional qualification and subsequent employment, secured by concluded in advance contracts with firms, which will provide jobs for the women in accordance with their aquired in the courses specialization;
  • implementation of a personalized schedule for job-hunting and securing employment via Internet;
  • preparation of the unemployed women how to present themselves in most suitable ways to employers in CV and on interviews, raising their self-confidence as valuable individuals, who should be valued by their qualities and skills, which will lead to equal access to employment, financial independence of the women and their socialization as equal individuals.

   The project envisages publications of the positive experiences of the women in finding jobs and of the research of the efficacy of new methods for job-hunting via Internet in media, on the career counselling pages of the web-site of the Foundation, and in a brochure, all of which will become known to job-hunting unemployed women, will aid them to find professional realization and will contribute for their social inegration as individuals with full-fledged rights.